Hello all. I've come up with my premise so here goes:
It's a dark stormy night.... oops wrong one
*ahem* Take your traditional story: Knight, valiant and strong. Damsel in distress locked in the highest tower of the castle. Throw in a typical dragon, evil wizard, and a monkey with a monocle and crazy action. The Knight fights past the evil do-ers, makes his way to the tower. The Princess is over joyed and rushes to him. He rushes forward. She opens her arms to embrace him... but he runs past her! She waits a second. She stops. Turns. Low and behold he's hugging a glass of milk and plate of cookies on a table behind her. Cut back to reality. A little girl and little boy playing dress up. The boy wears a bucket on his head and cardboard armor, the girl in dress-up princess gown. She's steamed at him for ruining her fantasy dress up story. He's just happy he made it to the cookies.
That's it so far. Tell me what you guys think. Good, bad, silly, not silly, too over the top, you love cookies. Which ever. My aim is to have dynamic fun action with the knight and monster sequence then add some fun humor in when we return to reality.
Oh and below are some concept art of the boy and girl and the knight ... who doesn't look very knight-ish. Model sheets coming soon!